For this section, you need to highlight several fundamental pieces of information regarding your client, its business and the current state of operations. Here are a few things that you can touch on: ● About the brand: You will find the description of each brand on its own website. Here, it is recommended that you highlight the nature of the business, its brief history alongside the industry that it belongs to. ● Mission - vision: Once again this should be located on the company’s website, and including this will outline the clear ambitions and goals that it sets out for itself and the industry for readers. ● Brand values/culture: As all five clients presented in this assignment are established, renowned brands with worldwide presence, they introduce different sets of values (e.g. responsibility, transparency, responsive, etc.) to clients. It is commendable to highlight these attributes so that when responding to issues, risks and crises, your campaign has to be aligned with them. ● Strategy: Often accompanying the mission and vision statements, brands have an entrenched strategy that often looks forward to the next 10 to 20 years. Paraphrasing and summarizing this strategy is the commendable action here. ● Additional information: After you’ve mapped out the aforementioned elements, there are some aspects to deliver in terms of furthering the readers’ understanding of the company: - The company’s history with issues, risks and crises: Has the brand encountered unfortunate situations before? In general, what were they about? How has the brand dealt with them? - The brand’s structure: number of stores, number of employees, revenue streams, number of partners, corporate governance and more.
(210,000 VNĐ)
For this section, you need to compose a paragraph of around 100 words describing the main subject, context and background info regarding your podcast series and this specific episode. Having three to four sentences to work with, it is suggested that you divide them in order to give each one a focus, a purpose like this sample structure below:
(210,000 VNĐ)
(50,000 VNĐ)
(50,000 VNĐ)
Discuss the theory, and emerging global trends, in media planning and buying. Identify and evaluate links between effective media planning and buying and overall communication of a marketing objective. Discuss the major participants in the media industry and the roles they play in media planning and buying agencies, advertising agencies and client organizations. Design and develop media campaigns with consideration given to the advertising task, suitability to the advertising message, environment and target audience.
(50,000 VNĐ)
Evaluate Crisis Communication Strategies Undertaken by a Range of Organisations: evaluate communication strategies undertaken by a range of local and international companies in response to crises, and the role of stakeholder groups. Create a risk or crisis communication plan that addresses what to do in response to a real-world issue or crisis.
(50,000 VNĐ)
Evaluate communication strategies undertaken by a range of local and international companies in response to crises, and the role of stakeholder groups. Create a risk or crisis communication plan that addresses what to do in response to a real-world issue or crisis.
(50,000 VNĐ)
Requirement: Produce a comprehensive communication proposal that seeks to resolve the issue put forward by the brief Format: A slide deck for a 10-minute presentation alongside a 3,000 document containing required paperwork and your researc
(50,000 VNĐ)
Identify which types of events and issues attract media interest and explain how this influences the style, tone and content of basic documents used in the media and communication industries Identify and analyze different rhetorical styles and content forms used for different purposes in basic documents used in the media and communication industries Adapt your writing to a range of audiences and needs Produce basic documents used in media and communication industries
(50,000 VNĐ)
Identify issues and debates around how popular culture is constructed, marketed and consumed in Asia. Describe and apply a range of theoretical and historical perspectives on Asian popular culture. Discuss the local and global aspects of culture with reference to Asian social, economic and political contexts. Illustrate and analyze the relationship of popular culture to the practice of the everyday and ordinary within Asia.
(50,000 VNĐ)